$ENO Tokenomics

The ENO Token is designed to fuel the ENO Network ecosystem, providing utility across various platforms and ensuring sustainability, growth, and engagement. The token has a fixed supply of 25,000,000 tokens, allocated across multiple strategic categories that align with the long-term vision of the platform.

Total Supply: 25,000,000 ENO Tokens

Token Allocation Breakdown:

Team Allocation: 6% (1,500,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Incentivize the core team for their ongoing efforts and long-term contribution to the success of ENO Network.

  • Vesting: Vested over 24 months with a 12-month cliff, followed by monthly unlocks, ensuring alignment with long-term project goals.

Advisor Allocation: 4% (1,000,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Reward key external advisors who provide strategic guidance and support to the project.

  • Vesting: Vested over 24 months with a 6-month cliff, encouraging ongoing support and involvement.

Liquidity & Market Expansion: 10% (2,500,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Ensure liquidity across exchanges and expand market presence, facilitating smooth trading and liquidity support for token holders.

  • Vesting: Unlocked progressively over 12 months, with monthly unlocks to maintain market stability and prevent liquidity shocks.

Ecosystem Growth Fund: 22% (5,500,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Fund future partnerships, integrations, and initiatives that drive the growth of the ENO Network ecosystem.

  • Usage: These tokens will be used to onboard new projects, partnerships, and opportunities that add value to the ecosystem, such as collaborations in the NFT space, DeFi, and beyond.

Community & Rewards Pool: 12% (3,000,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Incentivize user participation, engagement, and contributions within the ENO ecosystem.

  • Distribution: These tokens will be used for staking rewards, community events, user incentives, and promotional campaigns, progressively unlocked over a 15-month period.

Ecosystem Development: 12% (3,000,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Focused on continuous platform development and improvement, ensuring that ENO Network evolves and stays competitive in the Web3 space.

  • Vesting: These tokens are vested over 18 months with a 6-month cliff, aligned with the platform’s growth roadmap.

Circulating Supply: 20% (5,000,000 tokens)

  • Purpose: Provide liquidity for marketplace transactions and allow for user interaction within the platform from day one.

  • Function: The circulating supply ensures that users and creators can interact with the platform immediately, driving initial engagement and adoption.

Strategic Rationale:

The vesting schedule ensures that the token distribution happens gradually to avoid large sell-offs and price volatility. By aligning incentives for the team, advisors, and community with long-term milestones, the ENO Tokenomics fosters a sustainable, growth-focused ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.

Utility of ENO Token:

  • Access to Platform Services: Users will need ENO Tokens to access various services within the ecosystem, including the NFT Launchpad, marketplace transactions, and metaverse activities in the ENOVERSE.

Community Rewards: Active users who contribute to the growth and engagement within the ENO Network will be rewarded with ENO Tokens.

Last updated